designer Matthew Butcher has launched the Flood House, a prototype structure
that will travel on the water to sites around the Thames Estuary. Over the next
four weeks, the structure that serves as both a dwelling and a laboratory for
monitoring local environmental conditions, will be moored at various sites that
are susceptible to flooding.
sábado, 30 de abril de 2016
Kung Fu Motion Visualization
Visual experiment by Tobias Gremmler uses motion capture of martial arts performances and presents them in abstract ways
martes, 26 de abril de 2016
French architect David Tajchman recently released a visionary design for a skyscraper to be built in Tel Aviv, Israel
architect David Tajchman recently released a visionary design for a skyscraper
to be built in Tel Aviv, Israel
Camera Pointed Upwards Captures the Mesmerizing Ceilings of Iran's Ornate Architecture
Mohammad Reza Domiri Ganji has an affinity for capturing the breathtaking nature of Iran’s grand architecture
Budapest's Landmarks Transition from Day to Night in Stunning Time-lapse Photos
MOON - the most accurate lunar globe
The first
topographically accurate lunar globe, displaying the current lunar phases at
any given time.
Lhermitte and Kudu;
lunes, 25 de abril de 2016
Tripping Ghosts
Tripping Ghosts is a collaborative music video by artists Elias Artista and David Sanderson, who worked to animate two 4th-century Greek sculptures to look like what your skin feels like when you’re way too fucking high.
commissioned us to create a short CGI film to reveal the technological splendor
of the Homme Plissé Issey Miyake Spring 2016 Collection. We reimagined the
clothing focusing on the line’s innovation on textiles and cut.
martes, 19 de abril de 2016
Die Maya – Sprache der Schönheit; Los mayas - lenguaje de la belleza
Weihrauchgefäß. Postklassik, 1250–1527 n. Chr., Mayapán, Yucatán
© INAH. Museo Regional de Antropología. Palacio Cantón, Mérida, Yucatán
Incensario. Posclásico, 1250-1527 n. Chr., Mayapán, Yucatán
© INAH. Museo Regional de Antropología. Palacio Cantón, Merida, Yucatan
domingo, 17 de abril de 2016
sábado, 16 de abril de 2016
viernes, 15 de abril de 2016
jueves, 14 de abril de 2016
Christoffer Bjerre took this lesson to heart in VOID, collaborating with London musician Echoic to create the piece's music.
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016
Tristan Barbarà editions, us convida. Invites you.
Del 21 al 24 d.Abril. de 12 a 21
Arts Sta Mònica.
Rambla Sta Mònica. Barcelona
Barbarà és editor i curador
d’exposicions d’obra gràfica i llibres d’artista, convidant els artistes a
descobrir I investigar el llenguatge del gravat I la estampació en el seu taller
calcogràfic . disposa edicions de
més de trenta artistes que han col·laborat en l'obra gràfica i en llibres
d’artiste d'edició limitada i numerada I signada per els autors. Poetes,
escriptors i compositors son convidats a col.laborar amb els artistes .Tot
seguint una antiga tradició
Tristan Barbarà is editor and curator of exhibitions of
graphic art and artist books, He invited artists to discover
and investigate the language of engraving and printing in her artisanal
workshops to create unlimited size prints. Poets, writers and composers are
invited to collaborate with artists in the creation of artist’s
book. Limited editions are numbered and signed by the authors. All
this following an ancient tradition.
Joaquim Chancho, Madeleine Dietz,
Jose Pedro Croft, Rafa Forteza, Jaume Plensa, Manel Esclusa, Andrèas Lang, Jorge
Queiroz, Francisco Tropa, Juliao Sarmento, Jorge Oteiza, Antoni Tàpies, Joan
Barbarà, and Victor Hugo, Joan Brossa and François Brousse.
Tel.:+34 609 756 120
martes, 12 de abril de 2016
| March 20th [Sun] — April 17th [Sun]
| July 18th [Mon] — September 4th [Sun]
| October 8th [Sat] — November 6th [Sun]
Days Held: 108
islands of the Seto Inland Sea + Takamatsu and Uno
Naoshima / Teshima / Megijima /
Ogijima / Shodoshima / Oshima /
/ Shamijima [Spring Only] / Honjima [Autumn Only] /
[Autumn Only] / Awashima [Autumn Only] /
[Autumn Only] / Takamatsu port and Uno port
Organizer | Setouchi Triennale Executive
Flores Holandesas en la National Gallery de Londres, Dutch flowers in the National Gallery in London
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder
Naturaleza muerta con flores en un
jarrón Wan-Li sobre una mesa con más flores, conchas y una mariposa', 1609-10
La National
Gallery de Londres recibe la primavera con una exposición que explora la
evolución de las pinturas de flores holandesas durante dos siglos, de .Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, Jan van Huysum, y Rachel Ruysch, Del 6 de
abril al 29 de agosto de 2016.
The National Gallery in London welcomes the spring
with an exhibition that explores the evolution of Dutch flower paintings
for two centuries Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, Jan van Huysum, and Rachel Ruysch, . From
6 April to 29 August 2016.
lunes, 11 de abril de 2016
domingo, 10 de abril de 2016
sábado, 9 de abril de 2016
Arte de Corregio y Parmigianino en el Quirinale
Gabriel Bouys / AFP
La exposición, que permanecerá abierta hasta el 26 de junio, abre un nuevo ciclo dedicado a la vida artística de ciudades importantes pero desconocidas después de las dedicadas a Roma, Florencia y Venecia.
viernes, 8 de abril de 2016
Palmyra after Isis: The Lion of al-Lat
2008. Photograph: Alamy
2016. Photograph: New York Times/Redux/eyevine
Dedicated to a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess, this 15-tonne, 2,000-year-old statue was too heavy to move when curators at Palmyra museum evacuated some artefacts before Isis arrived in May 2015. The lion's nose broke off when militants knocked the statue over but it escaped total destruction. Other artefacts left at the museum were also desecrated.
jueves, 7 de abril de 2016
Museo Getty presenta 'In Focus: Electric!'
A Night View of Broadway looking North from 45th Street
(Vista nocturna de Broadway hacia el norte desde 45th Street), 1923.
New York Edison Co. Photographic Bureau (American, active 1901 – 1936) 84.XM.239.68.
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Ángeles.
martes, 5 de abril de 2016
lunes, 4 de abril de 2016
Commodo - Hadi Hadi Ah
From the debut album 'How What Time'
Directed by RUFFMERCY /
Produced by My Accomplice /
Directed by RUFFMERCY /
Produced by My Accomplice /
How "Young Persian Artists" Heralds a New Wave of Iranian Art
courtesy of Mahsa Mergenthaler-Shamsaei
Mergenthaler-Shamsaei is a shipping lawyer, living in Switzerland, who
moonlights as the founder of Young Persian Artists (YPA). YPA is a platform to
highlight young artists from Iran and to bring their work to the attention of
art lovers and critics abroad. In particular, the project aims to redefine
largely flawed international misconceptions towards contemporary Iranian art.
"In fact many of the artists labeled as contemporary (i.e. alive) are
considered as ‘old-masters’ in Iran itself,” Mergenthaler-Shamsaei says, which
is why she instead aims to “introduce and distinguish a new wave of Iranian
artists who are young and often born after the revolution." In the past
two years, the YPA founder has turned her “hobby” into a successful non-for-profit
institution that not only showcases many young Iranian artists on the project’s
website, but also has resulted in two shows in Berlin curated by
Mergenthaler-Shamsaei—a group show in 2015 at Stattbad and now, Tehran-based
painter Romisa Sakaki’s first ever international solo show at OPEN WALLS
Gallery, Selfies in the City.
domingo, 3 de abril de 2016
sábado, 2 de abril de 2016
Eight Suspended Robots Holding Fedoras Perform a Synchronized Dance to ‘Ride of the Valkyries’
Filmmaker Peter William Holden, an artist who often features robotics within his videos, has created “[The Invisible]”, a fascinating short film in which eight robots suspended in a circle, each holding onto a Fedora, perform a synchronized dance in time to the bombastic Wagner instrumental “Ride of the Valkyries”
Corridor Eléphant est un magazine de photographie en ligne et une maison d‘édition numérique. C’est la première maison d’édition numérique consacrée à la photographie contemporaine.
viernes, 1 de abril de 2016
Portada de nuestra Web - Cover our website 1-15 Abril - April 2016
Alejandro Arguelles, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Cuenca Matanza y Riachuelo"
polvo de carbón natural, alcohol polivinílico, objeto, neumático de camión, óleo, acrílico, transfer, esmalte, e hilos sobre telanatural charcoal powder, polyvinyl alcohol, object, truck tire, oil, acrylic, transfer, enamel, and threads on canvas,
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