martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015
jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015
OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS 10th Edition of the International Arte Laguna Prize
The major collective exhibition which will take place in the historical location of the Arsenale in Venice in March 2016.
The prestigious venue in the lagoon city will host the exhibition of 30 works of painting, 30 sculptures and installations, 30 works of photographic art, 10 videos, 10 land art projects, 5 performances which will be performed live during the exhibition's opening ceremony.
lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015
British Museum boss MacGregor leaves Lampedusa cross
British Museum boss Neil MacGregor's final acquisition before stepping down is a cross made from the wreck of a refugee boat sunk in the Mediterranean.
The 2013 Lampedusa Cross was made and gifted by carpenter Francesco Tuccio, who lives on the Italian island.
The boat was carrying more than 500 refugees from Eritrea and Somalia, of which 151 people survived
sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015
El crítico y curador peruano Gustavo Buntinx alertó sobre la crisis que está atravesando el mundo artístico y propuso alejarse "del gran ruido del arte contemporáneo"
El jueves último tuvo lugar la segunda jornada de Sur
Global: Horizontes para una nueva Bienal de Arte, una actividad de intercambio
entre artistas, curadores, críticos, coleccionistas y público en el Muntref
(sede Hotel de Inmigrantes).
En ella, el historiador del arte, crítico y curador peruano
Gustavo Buntinx se refirió -sin eufemismos- a la crisis por la que atraviesa el
mundo del arte. A continuación repasamos los extractos más salientes de su
"En el mundo del arte se falsifica hasta las obras
"El arte crítico hoy corre el riesgo de morir de
"Son cuerpos inertes, amortajados a la espera de su
valoración de mercado. (Al referirse a las obras de arte actuales)."
"Hemos sido descubiertos, celebrados, y enterrados en
el mismo gesto (Al referirse al arte latinoamericano)."
"El aroma del dinero súbito enloquece."
"Asesinamos lo que consagramos."
"El arte contemporáneo empezó a morir cuando decidió
convertirse en un deporte de masas, en este capitalismo aeróbico."
"La espectacularización del arte es el beso de
"La recuperación es posible solo si nos volvemos a un
ethos de gratuidad. Contra la profesionalización del arte."
"El arte debe ser un espacio (otro) donde lo que se
hace es perder dinero, no ganarlo."
"Hay que retornar a lo espiritual, recluirse,
"Buscar zonas de silencio, contra el gran ruido del
arte contemporáneo."
"Hay que recuperar la sensibilidad poética y la emoción
en el arte."
A Chinese Folk Artist’s Descendants Are Split by the Government’s Use of Their Family Legacy
Clay figurines, made in a style recognized across China as historical folk art, are being used in a Communist propaganda campaign, “China Dream.” Relatives of the sculptor who founded the style and studio 200 years ago have objected to its appropriation.
CreditSim Chi Yin for The New York Times
martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015
Shadia Alem, Saudi Arabia,
jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015
sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015
Art at the heart of ecological transition
Art at the heart of ecological transition
At the
international conference on climate COP21 (Conference of parties), which takes
place between 29 November to 11 December 2015 in Paris, the second day brought
together 150 heads of State about the question of the “last chance” to curb
climate change. The whole of society, the art world included, is acting. While culture
has been recognized by the UN as three complimentary pillars of sustainable
development-social, economic and environmental- the UN conference is
accompanied by an extensive cultural program. This massive commitment of institutions
and artists seems to mark a turning point in the mobilization of society
against climate change and a new step for the holistic of contemporary art.
lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015
sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015
martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015
domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015
Bullet holes in the window of the Carillon café, in Paris, following Friday’s terror attack.CREDITPHOTOGRAPH BY PAOLO LEVI / EPA / LANDOV
Covered bodies outside a restaurant, following Friday evening’s terrorist attacks in Paris.
sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015
martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015
Si le interesa adquirir la revista:
Si le interesa adquirir la revista:
viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015
Şehriban Köksal Kurt, Turquía - Alemania,
"But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart.."
domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015
Cocktail Series (2011)
Namsa Leuba ,
Courtesy of Art Twenty One
AMA - Art Media Agency
martes, 20 de octubre de 2015
International Surrealism Now 2016 in US, Mississipi, Particula Coimbra and Multimedia Poros Museum, Portugal
Wed, Oct 14, 2015 19:32 CET / The next editions of International Surrealism Now will be held in United States, Mississipi at Cullis Wade Depot Art Gallery, MSU Welcome Center, it will be in January and February and in Partícula Coimbra, next February, and Multimedia Poros Museum in Condeixa-a-Nova, Portugal 2016.
he follow artists will exhibit in United States, Mississipi at Cullis Depot Gallery located above the Mississippi State University welcome center:
American : France Garrido, Olga Spiegel, Joe MacGown, Steve Smith, KD Matheson, Muniz, Shahla Rosa.
Portuguese : Santiago Ribeiro, Paula Rosa, Victor Lages, Francisco Urbano.
International Surrealism Now is a project by the surrealist painter Santiago Ribeiro, who has dedicated himself to promoting the surrealism of the 21st century, through exhibitions worldwide.
The "International Surrealism Now" began in 2010 in Coimbra, when Santiago Ribeiro conceived a major exhibition organized by Bissaya Barreto Foundation. This event has been in Conímbriga celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Monographic Museum (second most visited museum in Portugal). The show has also been in Paris with the support of GAPP - Art Gallery Portugal Presente and Liba WS, organized once again by the Bissaya Barreto Foundation and Santiago Ribeiro, and in Madrid with the support of Yamal Din. After that it went to Dallas with the support of the American surrealist artist Shahla Rosa.
Lately it has been presented at the medieval Castle of Paço da Ega, organized by Rede de Bibliotecas and House Mayor of Condeixa-a-Nova
At present, the "International Surrealism Now" includes artists from 28 countries: Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Spain, USA, Philippines, France, Holland, Indonesia, England, Iran, Iceland , Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Vietnam.
The exhibition consists of a variety of artworks including drawing, painting, photography, digital art and sculpture.
Agim Meta, Spain / Ana Neamu, Romania / Anna Plavinskaya, Russia /USA / Andrew Artist Baines, Australia / Asier Guerrero Rico ( Dio ), Spain / Brigid Marlin, UK / Daila Lupo, Italy / Dan Neamu, Romania / Daniel Hanequand, Canada / Daniele Gori, Italy / Domen Lo, Slovenia / Edgar Invoker, Russia / Egill Ibsen, Iceland / Erik Heyninck, Belgium / Ettore Aldo Del Vigo, Italy / Farhad Jafari, Iran / France Garrido, USA / Francisco Urbano, Portugal / Gromyko Padilla Semper, Philippines / Héctor Pineda, Mexico / Hector Toro, Colombia / Hugues Gillet, France / Isabel Meyrelles, Portugal / Keith Wigdor, USA / Leo Wijnhoven, Holland / Leo Plaw, Germany / Liba Waring Stambollion, France / Lubomír Štícha, Czech Republic / Ludgero Ludgero Rôlo, Portugal / Lv Shang, China / Maciej Hoffman, Poland / Magi Calhoun, USA / Maria Aristova, Russia / Martina Hoffmann, Germany / Mehriban Efendi, Azerbaijan / Naiker Roman Cespedes, Spain / Nazareno Affonso, Brazil / Octavian Florescu, Canada / Oleg Korolev, Russia / Olga Spiegel, USA / Otto Rapp, Austria / Paula Rosa, Portugal / Paulo Cunha, Canada / Pedro Diaz Cartes, Chile / Philippe Pelletier, France / Rudolf Boelee, New Zealand / Santiago Ribeiro, Portugal / Sergey Tyukanov, Russia / Shahla Rosa, USA / Shoji Tanaka, Japan / Shan Zhulan, China / Sio SandraJaya, Indonesia / Slavko Krunic, Serbia / Sônia Menna Barreto, Brazil/ Steve Smith, USA / Stuart Grigz, UK / Svetlana Kislyachenko, Ukraine / Tatomir Pitariu, USA / Ton Haring, Holland / Victor Lages, Portugal / Vu Huyen Thuong, Vietnam / Yamal Din, Spain / Yuri Tsvetaev, Russia / Zoran Velimanovic, Serbia.
in United States:
“LUSO – American and Portuguese Surrealism of the 21st Century”
January – February, 2016
Gallery Reception: January, TBD, 5-6 p.m.
Cullis Wade Depot Art Gallery, MSU Welcome Center
January – February, 2016
Gallery Reception: January, TBD, 5-6 p.m.
Cullis Wade Depot Art Gallery, MSU Welcome Center
Gallery Director: Lori Neuenfeldt,
domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015
ZALEZ , Octubre 2015
"Nowhere Land" is a short movie filmed during a road trip this summer on French West coast.
With surf, street art, and skate...Enjoy!
"Nowhere Land" est une vidéo tournée durant un road trip trip dans le Sud Ouest de la France.
Regroupant, du Surf, du Street Art, et du Skate...
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015
PORTADA DE NUESTRA WEB 15-30 Octubre 2015
La Portada de 15 - 30 Octubre 2015
Michele Bajona, Italia, (Barcelona)
sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015
PORTADA DE NUESTRA WEB 1-15 Octubre 2015
La Portada de 1-15 Octubre 2015
Charly D'Almeida, Benin
Charly D'Almeida, Benin
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015
La Portada de Septiembre 2015
İPEK ŞENEL - "Girdap" karisik teknik (100x150 cm),
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015
viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015
Jon Giraldo y Jaime Lieberman de Spoonik, ha aceptado la dirección gastronómica de Zenón, uniéndose al proyecto un valor en alza de la alta gastronomía.
Jon Giraldo and Jaime Lieberman of Spoonik have accepted the gastronomic direction of Zenón, joining the project a rising star of haute cuisine.
Jon Giraldo and Jaime Lieberman of Spoonik have accepted the gastronomic direction of Zenón, joining the project a rising star of haute cuisine.
Anna García Fábrega, con responsabilidad en el proyecto de Interiorismo del salón Kylix de Zenón, está colaborando en el proyecto con el arquitecto Toni Poch
Anna Garcia Fabrega, with responsibility for the Interior project, Kylix lounge, is cooperating on the Zenón project with the architect Toni Poch
Anna Garcia Fabrega, with responsibility for the Interior project, Kylix lounge, is cooperating on the Zenón project with the architect Toni Poch
Richard Katz de SGFinanciera ha asumido la responsabilidad de dirigir la financiación de Zenón
Richard Katz of SGFinanciera, has assumed the responsibility of direct funding of Zenón
Richard Katz of SGFinanciera, has assumed the responsibility of direct funding of Zenón
Marta Tarrés y Ferrán Estela de Interiorism-oh,, están trabajando en el proyecto de interiorismo de Zenón, aplicando ideas modernas, funcionales y de gran categoría
Marta Tarrés y Ferrán Estela of Interiorism-oh,, are working on the interior design project Zenón applying modern, functional and high-class ideas,
Marta Tarrés y Ferrán Estela of Interiorism-oh,, are working on the interior design project Zenón applying modern, functional and high-class ideas,
Josep Romero de Acciona Infraestructuras,, ha recibido el proyecto técnico de Toni Poch y ya está trabajando en establecer costes y decidiendo las medidas a aplicar en su construcción para su máxima sostenibilidad
Josep Romero, Acciona Infrastructures,, has received the technical project of Toni Poch and is working on establishing costs and deciding the measures to be applied in construction for maximum sustainability
Josep Romero, Acciona Infrastructures,, has received the technical project of Toni Poch and is working on establishing costs and deciding the measures to be applied in construction for maximum sustainability
El arquitecto Toni Poch ( ha finalizado el proyecto Zenón que cumple con la normativa del POUM de Arenys de Mar, aprobado definitivamente en 2015, del que aparecen esbozos en nuestra web
Architect Toni Poch ( has completed project Zenón that complies with the regulations the POUM of Arenys de Mar, finally adopted in 2015, which sketches appear on our website
Architect Toni Poch ( has completed project Zenón that complies with the regulations the POUM of Arenys de Mar, finally adopted in 2015, which sketches appear on our website
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