domingo, 31 de enero de 2016
sábado, 30 de enero de 2016
Cardinal Points
Amigos, el próximo día 14 de Febrero
se termina "Puntos Cardinales"
Exposición colectiva comisariada por Vicky Romay y Frances Sinkowitsch,
con los artistas cubanos Esteban Blanco, José Ney, Antonio Nuñez yGerard Pavón.
Si estas cerca de New York no te lo
Cá D´Oro, de Mar - Sat 11 AM - 18:00. Gracias..
Henri Matisse, Le bonheur de vivre, 1905–6, oil on canvas.
PHOTO: ©2016 THE BARNES FOUNDATION; ART: ©2016 SUCCESSION H. MATISSE/ARTISTS RIGHTS SOCIETY (ARS), NEW YORK Light Festival 2016 Set To Dazzle With Over 23 Beautiful Shows
Masjid Al Noor / Courtesy of Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA)
viernes, 29 de enero de 2016
martes, 26 de enero de 2016
lunes, 25 de enero de 2016
Epic Geometric Patterns Made in Sand and Snow by Artist Simon Beck
Artist Simon Beck turns a walk on the beach into a work of art with these massive crop circle-inspired creations. Obviously each piece takes a huge amount of pre-planning but physically executing such intricate designs can take a full day trudging (sometimes well into the night).
domingo, 24 de enero de 2016
sábado, 23 de enero de 2016
Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein.
With its new exhibition, Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design, the Vitra Design Museum sheds a new light on contemporary African design. Focusing on a new generation of entrepreneurs, thinkers and designers from Africa, the exhibition aims to show that design in Africa is understood on a much more inclusive level than in Western societies and that design accompanies and fuels economic and political change on the continent. Making Africa features a plethora of work cutting across a wide variety of media, from the architecture of David Adjaye to the remarkable cardboard city models by Bodys Isek Kingelez.
viernes, 15 de enero de 2016
jueves, 14 de enero de 2016
martes, 12 de enero de 2016
Nadie apuesta por los artistas jóvenes (excepto ellos mismos)
- Parece que el mundo del arte siempre ha estado tocado de muerte en una perpetua agonía. "Hijo, no estudies Bellas Artes, que no tiene salida". Pero tras unos años de crisis, de no ver luz al final del túnel, hay que liarse la manta a la cabeza. Y si no hay salida, te la construyes. Si no me expones los cuadros, ya me los expongo yo. Son jóvenes, artistas y audaces, y quieren hacerlo a su manera........
- leer más:
lunes, 11 de enero de 2016
viernes, 8 de enero de 2016
jueves, 7 de enero de 2016
domingo, 3 de enero de 2016
sábado, 2 de enero de 2016
Giuseppe Sticchi,
Frammenti Ischia
Misure:40 cm x 50 cm x 1 cm
Tecnica:acrilico su tela
viernes, 1 de enero de 2016
Thousands of pigments fill glass vials below the slatted wood ceilings of the new concept Pigment, an art supply laboratory and store that just opened in Tokyo by company Warehouse TERRADA. The store design was created by architect Kengo Kuma, utilizing bamboo and large open spaces to create a sense of unity with the outdoors and spark the imagination of those who enter.
Thousands of pigments fill glass vials below the slatted wood ceilings of the new concept Pigment, an art supply laboratory and store that just opened in Tokyo by company Warehouse TERRADA. The store design was created by architect Kengo Kuma, utilizing bamboo and large open spaces to create a sense of unity with the outdoors and spark the imagination of those who enter.
In recent years fewer artists have turned to more traditional methods of art making, diminishing the number of successors to these older forms. Pigment aims to provide hard-to-find tools for the preservation of older paintings while also inspiring the latest generation of artists to incorporate these older materials into newer works. In addition to selling brushes, pigments, special glues, and papers (some used in Japanese painting since the Meiji period), the store will also provide workshops by both art professors and manufacturers of the supplies housed in-store.
If you can’t make it to Japan to experience the space in person, you can browse Pigment’s large supply of pigments and rare materials on their online store here. (viaDesignboom)
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